Acura was introduced in the United States in 1986 as a luxury automobile division of the Honda automaker. The luxury car brand’s initiative focused on luxury, performance, and high-performance – something that was not offered through their sister company (Honda). Although the United States and Canada have been marked as the most successful brand launches from the Acura company, they also launched in Hong Kong, Mexico, China, Russia, Ukraine, and Kuwait.

While Acura’s are tagged as a luxury and high-performing vehicle manufacturer, their automobiles have been leaving drivers frustrated over the past decade. This has been a result of Acura vehicles being considered “lemons” under Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York law.

If you have purchased an Acura that is having maintenance or mechanical problems that don’t seem to be going away, contact the top Acura Lemon Law experts of David Gorberg & Associates for information on how the Acura Lemon Law process functions in PA, NJ, and NY.

Lemon Law Acura

Is My Acura a Lemon

The Lemon Law process for Acura vehicles requires a few checkpoints before the vehicle can actually be deemed as an official “Lemon”. The first step of the checklist items with Acura Lemon Law is to verify that the vehicle is still under some sort of warranty. Even if your vehicle was not purchased, your automobile can still be considered a lemon if it was leased. This is true for both new and old vehicles. The second consideration is to evaluate if your Acura’s value has decreased or if the vehicle poses a risk to other drivers on the road due to the defect. The final criteria is that you have given the manufacturer a fair number of attempts to repair the defect.

Lemon Law Acura

Common Acura Lemon Law Defects

Acura has provided many statements covering their most recent defects and the potential hazards that are included with the vehicle’s problems for specific models. The car company continues to deal with manufacturer defects that are affecting both vehicle owners and other drivers on the road. These defects are leaving Acura owners feeling anxious about their cars and the safety they can provide.

Included in the recent recall list is a common defect that is occurring in many of Acura’s latest models. This defect was listed as an issue with the Takata-sourced airbag inflators that upon inflation, could severely harm or potentially kill the occupants. As this recall was reviewed further, it was determined that unintended shrapnel was being projected from the airbag compartment into the occupants upon deployment. This recall affected nearly 12 million Honda and Acura vehicles.

Another common defect that Acura drivers had been dealing with is an issue with the drive shaft. There have been a reported 210,000 Acura models that have a defect with the drive shaft that causes it to break. A broke drive shaft is known to cause a sudden loss of drive power – increasing the chance of a crash or injury to the driver.

There have been numerous Acura vehicles listed as being affected so far by the recalls, and there are many more still being inspected. The list below are just a few common Acura vehicles that have been reported to have defects:

  • Acura RDX
  • Acura TLX
  • Acura ILX
  • and more

If you are like many Acura owners who have consistently experienced these defects, you may be entitled to compensation under the PA LEMON LAW, NJ LEMON LAW or the Magnuson Moss Warranty Improvement Act. Compensation may include a complete repurchase of your defective vehicle, a replacement, or a substantial cash reimbursement for damage the vehicle has already suffered due to the defect.

If your Acura vehicle has a defect listed above, call us at 1-800-MY-LEMON (1-800-695-3666) or complete free lemon law case evaluation for free help by the by the PA and NJ LEMON LAW ATTORNEY.

Free Case Evaluation

    Acura Recalls

    There have been dozens of Acura recalls issued over the past couple decades for numerous Acura models. Here are some of the vehicles which have been recalled:

    • Acura RDX
    • Acura TLX
    • Acura MDX
    • Acura MDX Sport Hybrid
    • Acura NSX
    • Acura RLX
    • Acura RLX Sport Hybrid

    If you’re an Acura owner and have experienced issues that you believe originate from a recall, or if you just want more information about how recalls and mechanical failures in your vehicle apply to the Acura lemon law buyback program, reach out to David Gorberg & Associates at 1-800-MY-LEMON (1-800-695-3666) or complete free lemon law case evaluation for free help by the by the PA and NJ LEMON LAW ATTORNEY.

    Acura Lemon Law Wins

    The attorneys at David Gorberg & Associates have a 99% success rate and have successfully brought Acura lemon law claims against Acura many times. We have been able to help Acura owners throughout all stages of the Lemon Law process, including final settlements. In many cases, our clients are able to receive a total buyback of the car from Acura while also paying nothing for their legal fees – which are often compensated by the manufacturer.