What if your car was a bomb waiting to go off?

If you drive a GM 5 cylinder, it’s important to know about the most common cylinder engine problems. Otherwise, you might experience issues when you least suspect them!

What problems should you be aware of? Keep reading to discover the GM 5 engine problems you should know about!

Sludge In the Engine

Sometimes, problems with your engine start with sludge building up inside. Unfortunately, that is a major issue with the GM 5 cylinder vehicles.

Oil and carbon and dust all intermingle inside the engine and form into a thick sludge. When enough sludge builds up, it can cause your engine to stutter and experience other annoying malfunctions.

You can try to stay on top of this with constant oil management. Eventually, though, you may want a vehicle with an engine that is easier to maintain. And look into whether the car you bought qualifies as a lemon or not.

Misfiring Problems

One of the features that GM 5 cylinder drivers usually like is active fuel management. It’s supposed to help the car go further and last longer.

However, the GM 5 Cylinder often experiences engine misfiring due to this feature. And these misfirings often sound like a gunshot, which can be scary for the entire neighborhood!

Burning Up Oil

Earlier, we talked about problems relating to sludge building up inside the engine. One of the reasons this sludge builds up is because the engine burns up oil at an intense rate.

Basically, friction loss inside the engine leads this Chevy product to motor through its oil supply. And this can be frustrating for drivers on multiple levels.

First of all, poor oil management means more time, money, and labor must go into maintaining their vehicle. Additionally, Chevy vehicles powered by this engine are causing a negative environmental impact by burning through this oil so fast. Considering how many consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious, some of these consumers may want to avoid a GM 5 cylinder vehicle to begin with.

Spark Plug Failure

When you’re the driver, no car malfunction is a “good” malfunction. But all drivers can agree that a spark plug failure is one of the worst engine problems you can have!

The GM 5 cylinder engines are more susceptible to spark plug failures. This is specifically due to the design of the valve cover, the PCV valve, and other internal factors. The result is an engine that releases too much carbon, and this can build up on the piston rings and eventually cause spark plug malfunctions.

GM 5 Problems: Your Next Move

Now you know what the most common GM 5 cylinder problems are. But do you know who to turn to if you’ve purchased a “lemon” of a car?

We specialize in lemon laws and getting drivers like you the compensation you deserve. To get lemon law help for PA Lemon Law or NJ Lemon Law for no cost, simply contact us today!